GitHub: WIP vs Draft

⚠️ We use WIP (work in progress) not GitHub PR Draft

We know that GitHub has a feature called PR Draft, but we don’t use it because it “locks” the PR - only the person who opened the PR has permission to remove the draft flag from the PR.

not always the person who opened the PR will be the person who finishes the correction/appeal

We use the prefix WIP: in the title of the PR along with the GitHub App WIP, making it possible for anyone who is part of the organization to change the title of the PR and give the PR as revised — ready for merge.

Avoid keeping local branches as much as possible

It’s really “only” in a local environment.

We work with Open Source products, so it doesn’t make sense to keep branches only in a local environment (even in the few private repositories).

Whenever you create a branch and have the first commit, push the branch to GitHub and when you are minimally organized, create a PR in WIP, this will give everyone visibility of what you are doing. The aim is for more people to be able to contribute during the development process, avoiding large PRs.