Company Timeline

Memorable points about the company (moclojer), where we will look back and understand every move made.

2024-04-01 - final adjustments for the release of the first free version

We’re about to launch the moclojer cloud, and we’re finishing up the final adjustments to our service structure (event-driven microservices):

  • monitoring queues to identify faults and collect service metrics
  • improving the UX (user experience), making the interface as intuitive as possible
  • identifying communication bottlenecks between services
  • running security tests
  • … in short, we’re almost there

I’m sure we’re looking forward to this launch more than you are.

After the launch, we’ll write about the architecture of our services. It’ll be nice to share with everyone what we’re doing privately to serve moclojer foss as a service.

2023-12-10 - the dream of launching multiple SaaS is distant, putting your foot down

Our purpose with cljam was to be a MicroSaaS launch company, starting with the launch of moclojer, but we were being extremely optimistic that launching SaaS of Open Source software that we maintain would be “simple”, we made a mistake and decided to put our efforts into moclojer as the main product.

As of today, cljam will be at a standstill, and we will put 100% of our efforts into developing the moclojer cloud product (the SaaS version of moclojer foss).

We’re happy to share our “mistake” (or reckless decision making), I’d say we were innocent in thinking we’d be able to embrace the world so quickly.

it’s important to enjoy the journey and learn from our mistakes

Will cljam be active again?

I won’t say no, but today our main objective is the moclojer, to do a good job of building the product and launching it, we have a lot to learn from the first product before thinking about the next ones.

2023-07-20 - rebranding: changing the name cljazz to cljam

The company began with the name cljazz, inspired by the musical style Jazz 🎷.

We are a company that aims to develop small open source products, provide them as a service (SaaS, i.e. MicroSaaS) and all the software we develop will use the Clojure programming language.

Clojure uses .clj for its file names, and in an attempt to combine the Jazz 🎷 musical style with Clojure, the old name cljazz was coined.

Looking at the purpose of the company, which by “default” needs to have a highly creative and collaborative environment and not escape from the “musical world”, we decided to look for a name that, when read, refers to this environment of creativity.

note: A Jam Session is a relatively informal musical event, process, or activity where musicians, typically instrumentalists, play improvised solos and vamp over tunes, drones, songs, and chord progressions. Original jam sessions, also called “free flow sessions”, are often used by musicians to develop new material (music) and find suitable arrangements, read more here.

final adjustments for the release of the first free version 2024-04-01

We’re about to launch the moclojer cloud, and we’re finishing up the final adjustments to our service…

The dream of launching multiple SaaS is distant, putting your foot down - 2023-12-10

Our purpose with cljam was to be a MicroSaaS launch company, starting with the launch of moclojer, but we were being…

rebranding: changing the name cljazz to cljam - 2023-07-20

The company began with the name cljazz, inspired by the musical style Jazz 🎷.

We are a company that aims to develop…