
We are an open source organization that was born with the goal of contributing to the Clojure/Script ecosystem by creating a toolkit to simplify the development of Terminal User Interface (TUI) solutions in Clojure and other tools that enhance the Clojure development experience.

Our business model is based on providing hosted versions of our open source projects as SaaS solutions, while maintaining our commitment to the open source community.

Our Mission

We develop products with “clojure by design” principles, focusing on:

  • Simplicity: Creating tools that are easy to use and understand
  • Efficiency: Building high-performance solutions with minimal overhead
  • Developer Experience: Prioritizing a smooth and enjoyable development experience
  • Open Source: Sharing our work with the community under permissive licenses

Our Values

Fuel that feeds our culture!

Radical transparency

There is no reason to be secretive about our data, from the data generated by our products to our employees’ salaries.

We follow a model called Open Startup — we super understand if you can’t discuss complicated subjects in public (e.g., the amount of your salary), if that’s your profile, unfortunately moclojer is not the company for you.

Customer experience

Usually, customers are right, our solutions should be developed with the customer’s use in mind, in the Open Source version and especially in the SaaS version—our customer will probably not be technical and our UI/UX should take the customer where they need to go.

Product engineering

We call engineers product engineers, meaning that we deliver better software by understanding the customer’s needs and using the products we develop (empathy with the customer’s “pain”).

Clojure by design

Whatever we develop, it will be developed using Clojure. This does not restrict us from using/contributing services, software, etc. written in another programming language, but our software will be written in Clojure.

Join Our Community

We welcome contributions from the community! If you’re interested in Clojure/ClojureScript development and want to contribute to our projects, visit our GitHub organization to get started.

Cloud Architecture

The moclojer is an Open Source product. To serve it as a service, we created an event-based architecture for event…

Company Timeline

Memorable points about the company (moclojer), where we will look back and understand every move made.

2024-04-01 -…


We’re very happy 😁 that you’ve come this far, we understand that in some way you’re interested in what…

Terms of use

Last updated: 2024-02-05

Acceptance of the Terms of Use

By using our SaaS (Software as a Service) solution, you…

Project management

💡 Never wait until you have an extremely well-defined task to get started. If you believe that the idea will work, take…

GitHub: WIP vs Draft

⚠️ We use WIP (work in progress) not GitHub PR Draft

We know that GitHub has a feature called PR Draft, but we…

Open Startup - moclojer

Following the value of radical transparency, moclojer is an Open Startup, which means it operates fully transparent and…


this page could be called “how we communicate”, but it sounded too much like the Globo Reporte program with…